Version 1.0.60
- Bugfix - Settings windows used to show default values even after updating and saving successfully. Fixed.
Version 1.0.59
- Improvement - SPAPI Lowest prices method sometimes returns empty resultset, even if there are offers. In such cases, we will ask two more times to be sure the result set is really empty.
Version 1.0.58
- Improvement - If Excel gives GDI+ exception and can't save the file properly to the current folder, TP will try to save it again into Documents folder.
Version 1.0.57
- Bugfix - Manual mode didn't sense the changes in input codes and required restart for a new analysis.
- Bugfix - Change between Manual mode and Load From File caused input selection issues.
Version 1.0.56
- New Feature - Command line version of Turbo Piranha (TP.exe) has been released.
- Bugfix - Missing DLL in 1.0.54 release has been added and 1.0.54 release has been withdrawn.
- Bugfix - Input column calculation error in command line version has been fixed and 1.0.55 release has been withdrawn.
Version 1.0.53
- Improvement - Speed improvements to eliminate Amazon's speed decrease decision in SPAPI Lowest Price methods. Please click here to read Amazon's related announcement.
- Improvement - Calling, Price, competition and fee methods have been cancelled when they are not selected to improve efficiency.
- Improvement - Amazon SPAPI Response time measures the API's response time only. It does not include parsing time anymore.
- Improvement - Changed the numbers on Progress Screen and added not found numbers as well. Now, it shows the total and processed numbers based on found ASINs and NotFound input codes.
- New Feature - Added Seller Id to Lowest New and Lowest Used Columns. Using Turbo Piranha Excel Extension, you can also click and go directly to their page.
- Bugfix - Excel extension links were always Now they show the correct links based on the Excel results.
- Bugfix - After SPAPI Migration, Discarding the items based on Settings was not working properly. Fixed all the issues.
- Bugfix - Upgrading the FREETRIAL version didn't store the Billing information correctly. Fixed.
Version 1.0.52
- New Feature - Added and option to include/exclude FBA Small and Light program discounts when applicable.
Version 1.0.51
- Bugfix - Parent and Child ASINs are not included even the settings are active. Fixed.
Version 1.0.50
- Improvement - Added "All Identifiers" column to all templates (free and paid)
- Improvement - Added "Amazon Is Seller" column to all default templates of paid users.
- Bugfix - Formula gives wrong numbers on ROI calculations. Fixed.
Version 1.0.49
- Improvement - File re-selection will not be necessary if the user wants to run the same file for more than 1 marketplace.
- Improvement - Added marketplace country suffix to the output file for the convenience.
- Bugfix - Some records on Amazon have hidden Byte order mark (BOM) characters (such as xEF, xBB, xBF), so Excel raises error when we add such records to Excel without removing these characters. - Fixed
- Bugfix - If a small image for the listing does not exist, Excel shows a formula error while opening and offer a repair on the file - Fixed.
- Bugfix - SP API Used Item conditions are different than MWS API that causes some visual issues on Excel Add In - Fixed.
Version 1.0.48
- Added Size information.
- Performance improvement and additional exception handling for wrong formatted ASINs.
- Bugfix - Free users couldn't run the application. Fixed.
Version 1.0.47
- Bugfix - For Twin-Turbo users marketplaces shows up two times. Fixed.
Version 1.0.46
- Bugfix - Weight and dimensions were always in lbs and inches. Fixed.
- Bugfix - Twin-Turbo authorization problem has been solved.
- If the authorization is expired or has any issue, processing stops immediately. (In Twin-Turbo, if one of the authorization works, that one handles the whole process).
- Due to multiple ASIN for one input, progress bar percentage text has been replaced with processed count / total count.
Version 1.0.45
- Bugfix - If SPAPI returns an empty result set, application doesn't ask again to verify the results and ignore the inputs. Fixed.
Version 1.0.44
- Users can go to download page directly from the obsolete versions error dialog.
- Shared SP API migration announcement from Download page as well.
- Bugfix - Search with SKU was failing after SP API Migration. Fixed.
Version 1.0.43
- Bugfix - New Settings file caused a problem for Turbo users. Fixed.
- Bugfix - Memory management problem for huge files. Improved, more improvements are coming in the next release.
- Bugfix - Re-authorization with another seller Id was not working. Fixed.
Version 1.0.42
- Bugfix - Lowest Used offers were not listed properly. Fixed.
Version 1.0.41
- Migrated from Amazon MWS to Amazon SP-API
Version 1.0.40
- Bugfix - TEST CONNECTION button for NA and EU marketplaces started to fail due a change on Amazon. Fixed.
Version 1.0.39
- Minimize function has been added to Excel add-in
- Highlighting the product function has been added to Excel add-in
- Excel add-in code improvements for better efficiency and some edge scenarios.
Version 1.0.38
- Bugfix - Pick and Pack Fee is always zero in Poland and Sweden marketplaces.
Version 1.0.37
click here to read the article about this new release.
- Excel Add In feature has been created from the scratch for better and easier analysis.
- Added Netherlands, Poland, Saudi, UAE, and Sweden marketplaces
- Changed the Settings screen so that we can enter and see all marketplace authorization info at once.
- Added Hide/Show Secret settings button to the Settings window.
- Two settings for "My Selling Price" column have been added. If there is no offer, (Purchase Price x Coefficient) will be set as My Selling price, and if you don't have any purchase price, a constant value based on your settings will be used instead of $0.01 as PP
- Added "Remember me" check box to store the email on login screen
- Added marketplace selection combobox to the main screen.
- TXT files have been added to supported input file types
- Added optional Supplier_Package_Quantity column and changed the Cost Of Good formula based on that
- Some Amazon sellers uses Package Quantity, and number of items interchangebly. For this reason, a custom "Amazon package quantity" field has been added to get the maximum value of both fields. If both are empty or zero, it will be set as 1.
- Added two Flip Opportunity columns for new and used offers (If FBA Price > FBM Price * 1.5 then it shows the flip opportunity)
- Per Item Fee, a field for Individual Amazon Sellers only, has been removed from all templates
- Added new columns to Default Templates
- Added purchase price checkbox to the manual input screen as well to make it optinal as before.
- Updated the comments on the titles of ROI and break even fields.
- Changed Download page, added a version history and links for the supported stable versions.
- Changed the order of some columns in default templates such as Purchase Price, Prep Cost etc.
- Bugfix - If input file has more than one column with the same title, it can't create the output Excel File.
- Bugfix - Money signs in the Price cells cause exception.
- Bugfix - Updated the formulas of the Break Even prices, and other ROI related fields for more accurate results.
- Bugfix - If a cell value is null (in .XLS files only), it gives exception when we add all content to the end. (Workaround was to save it as .XLSX)
- Bugfix - Pick and pack fee is always zero, if there is no active offer (Europe marketplaces only).
Version 1.0.28
- BR, TR and other new countries in NA and Europe has been added
- Unsubscribe link to emails has been added.
- Bugfix - TR marketplace did not have test ISBN. We've changed test mechanism accordingly for other marketplaces as well.
- Bugfix - If there are so many repeated input codes, it causes exception.
Older Versions
- Multiple File Processing and structure comparison will start immediately in a separate thread
- If the user selected UPC but Excel column has ISBN it warns the user and ask if the input type must be changed.
- Referral Fee By Amazon has been added for comparison.
- BSR numbers for other countries has been added via BSR.json.
- Added Multiple files processing feature in the same folder and same structure.
- Added "Add all input columns to the end" feature
- CSV support has been added
- Added contact us button next to settings button
- Added hints for settings, contact us and add/remove columns buttons
- Output folder parameter has been added
- SellerId from main screen has been replaced by the version number due to privacy reasons.
- Added Excel XLS and XLSX reading feature
- Bugfix - TradeIn value problem if the process is interrupted
- Bugfix - Exception due to bad price format or characters
- Bugfix - If the "process all files" is selected and there are non-xlsx files in the folder, that causes a problem.
- Bugfix - A new user can't create the AMZPiranha folder under ProgramData
- Bugfix - If the output folder is "Same Directory" but user uses sample files, it produces an error.
- Bugfix - Regional settings problem for Excel formulas